Something has to be said about authenticity when you are trying to really capture the vibe of the 80's fashions. All you adorable teens out there who never lived in the 80's but want to dress like you did, this post is for YOU!

1. Eye patches were cool, and you didn't have to talk like a pirate to pull it off. People wore eye patches then like they wear nerd hipster glasses now, not because they need them, but because they think they look cooler in them. Rock an eyepatch and you are surely going to get some awesome looks...
2. In the 80s, shoulder pads were sewn into your clothes, so you had to wear them, it was not negotiable! You would also have your own personal set or sets of shoulder pads for the extra tall and broad look. A lady needed these features to enhance her appearance and give her that extra confidence when she was going to hit the town! Now, it is essential if you want the real 80s look.